Our Story

The Harbor Movement - Navigating the Tides of Mental Health

Society is struggling with an alarming increase in mental health issues. Despite growing awareness; stigma, misinformation, and inadequate resources hinder the support for those who seek help. This gave birth to the "Harbor Movement" - a beacon of hope and compassion in the stormy seas of mental health challenges.

The Symbol of the Harbor:

The symbol of the Harbor Movement is an anchor entwined with a heart, representing stability and empathy. The anchor symbolizes strength and stability, while the heart symbolizes compassion, love, and understanding. Together, they represent the core values of the movement - providing a safe harbor for those in need.

Who We Are:

A group of individuals who experienced our own battles with mental health issues both through personal struggles and through the struggles of our friends and loved ones. 

Our Vision:

We want to be there for you during your anxious moments, your struggles, and your low points. Whether it be during a presentation, a loved ones first day of school, being in large crowds, a plane ride or any point where you can use a reminder of your inner strength and worth. You can use our jewelry to help soothe your anxiety.

There are often days where we struggle to recognize our self worth, it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others in a social media driven world, and in some cases we have been made to feel by others that we simply are not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, that's why we’ve designed our positive affirmation ring to remind you that you are perfect enough just the way you are, and to help you create those positive thought patterns within yourself.


Mission and Principles:

The Harbor Movement aims to build a compassionate community that fostered mental well-being, support, and education. Our principles revolve around:

  1. Breaking the Stigma: One of the primary goals was to challenge the stigma surrounding mental health and promote open dialogue without judgment.

  2. Accessible Support: The movement worked to increase access to mental health resources and services, making them affordable and available to all, regardless of social or economic background.

  3. Empowerment Through Stories: Personal stories of individuals who had overcome mental health challenges were shared to inspire others, demonstrating that recovery and growth were possible.

  4. Art and Expression: Creativity and artistic expression were encouraged as therapeutic outlets to release emotions and promote healing.

  5. Educational Initiatives: The movement conducted workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to spread knowledge about mental health and emotional well-being.



Why should you get yours today & help us raise awareness?

We hope for the Harbor Movement to become a lighthouse, guiding individuals through the tumultuous waters of mental health challenges. To prove that when people come together with empathy and compassion, they can make a positive difference in the lives of countless individuals, giving them hope, courage, and the strength to navigate life's storms.

We have chosen products that have the purpose of making a real difference to family, friends, loved ones & even complete strangers.

Whether it be a gift to yourself as an act of self love, or a gift for a loved one to help them out on their anxious days, or to remind them of their self worth. Mental health matters, and we are now in a time where self love, and spreading that love to others is vital.

Our jewelry helps spread positive affirmations not only to the wearer, but to others who may see you wearing it, along with relief and helpful anxiety coping mechanisms.


Such is our story, such is our passion. We hope you loved what we had to say. If you wish to share your feedback please do not hesitate to contact us.

We truly appreciate you taking the time to read this. Thank you!